
About The Energy Project

The Energy Project is committed to sparking transformative change by empowering young minds to develop sustainable energy solutions, utilizing limited resources. We leverage global networks to foster local innovations, emphasizing that limitations are not barriers to change, but invitations to think creatively and act sustainably.


At The Energy Project, we are designing a multi-faceted workforce development program aimed at crafting future leaders in sustainable energy. Our model is rooted in collaboration across educational institutions, industry, government, and nonprofits, all while keeping an eye on emerging workforce demands.

The Energy Project is your gateway to a future-oriented, diversified, and competent energy workforce. We achieve this through our strategic partnerships, in-depth forecasting, inclusive initiatives, and all-around student support systems.

Cross-Sector Partnerships

We collaborate with esteemed academic institutions like Stanford's d.school and Rice University, alongside industry giants such as Ally Energy and TXRX Labs. We also work with government bodies and nonprofit organizations like Junior Achievement to offer a 360-degree educational experience, equipping students to tackle real-world energy issues.

Future Workforce Insight

We analyze data from labor trends, sector-specific reports, and future projections to prepare for the ever-changing needs of the sustainable energy field. Our community outreach efforts emphasize the economic and ecological relevance of careers in this sector.

Integrated Education

Our curriculum is backed by data-driven insights and hands-on industry experiences. From classroom instruction to field trips to energy landmarks, we offer a multi-layered learning environment that fosters innovation.

Diversity & Inclusion

We have established partnerships with diverse educational settings, such as The Energy Institute High School, and offer scholarships to high-achieving students from under served backgrounds. Our commitment is to make top-notch education available to all, thereby diversifying the energy sector’s future workforce.

Comprehensive Skill-Building

Students learn everything from the fundamentals of sustainable energy to business planning. Practical skills like prototyping and real-world industry exposure complement their theoretical knowledge, arming them with a multifaceted skill set for future careers.

Tailored Support & Career Prep

From logistical aids like transportation to financial assistance based on need, we've got it covered. Personalized mentorships and internship openings at partner organizations give students a leg up as they transition into their professional lives.

Project Executive Leadership

Bhakti Salunkhe - Executive Director at The Energy Project

Bhakti Salunkhe

Executive Director & Founder

Bhakti Salunkhe, a visionary in educational innovation, founded the Energy Project with a commitment deeply rooted in her family's legacy of entrepreneurship and community service. Inspired by her grandparents' remarkable journeys—Vilas Rao Salunkhe's impactful watershed management in rural India and Sudhir Puranik's rise from a garage in India to global acclaim in the oil and gas manufacturing industry with sustainable products one of which helped stop the BP oil spill. Inspired by this legacy and learning, Bhakti's approach blends technical skill-building with environmental stewardship.

Emphasizing creativity as a key to innovation and problem-solving, Bhakti's work with the Energy Project is a masterful integration of design thinking, prototyping and business acumen. This program is not just about education; it's about shaping future leaders who are environmentally aware and technically proficient. By combining hands-on experiences, expert insights, and sustainable business practices, Bhakti is crafting a new generation of change-makers, ready to tackle the energy sector's challenges with creativity and a deep sense of social and environmental responsibility.

Board of Directors & Advisors

Faith Malton - Board Member at The Energy Project

Faith Malton

Board Member

Faith Malton, a Walter P Moore graduate civil engineer, enriches The Energy Project with her extensive global experience and forward-thinking engineering approaches. Her travels have broadened her knowledge of diverse cultures, energy landscapes, and infrastructures, igniting her passion for using nature as fueling her passion for design using the natural world as an ally rather than a stick in the mud. Specializing in low-impact development, multifunctional design, and fostering international office collaborations, Faith's work showcases her dedication to creating urban environments that are resilient and nature-aligned.

As a board member of The Energy Project, she plays a key role in mentoring high school students, helping them explore and innovate in urban sustainability. Faith's diverse coaching skills, encompassing NeuroLinguistic Programming, mindset, leadership, transformation, and life strategy, add a unique depth to her mentorship. Her combined expertise in civil engineering and coaching is crucial in developing future leaders in sustainable urban planning. Faith's involvement is a perfect match for The Energy Project's aim to nurture environmentally aware and skilled innovators.

Ricky Lee LaPraim - Board Member at The Energy Project

Ricky Lee LaPraim

Board Member

Ricky is renowned for his unique fusion of sharp business acumen and profound technological savvy, adept at identifying profitable ventures and architecting IT-driven strategies. He approaches innovation with a systematic and procedural mindset, ensuring that creative concepts are executed imaginatively yet sustainably.

His deep understanding of technology directly impacts business outcomes, marking him as a trusted consultant. Esteemed worldwide, top-tier organizations frequently seek his advice to enhance their strategic planning. Ricky's talent for merging technology with business objectives renders him a critical figure in today's corporate world.